Text and music by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923). (See note to Mayn Yingele).
Seek me not where myrtles grow green,
you’ll not find me there, my prize;
Where lives wither at machines,
there is my resting place.
Seek me not where birds sing,
you’ll not find me there, my prize;
I am a slave, where chains clang,
there is my resting place.
Seek me not where fountains spray,
you’ll not find me there, my prize;
Where tears flow and teeth gnash,
there is my resting place.
And if you love me with true love,
then come to me, my treasure,
and brighten my somber heart
and sweeten my resting place for me.
Nit zukh mikh, vu di mirtn grinen!
Gefinst mikh dortn nit, mayn shats;
Vu lebns velkn bay mashinen,
Dortn iz mayn rue plats.
Nit zukh mikh, vu di feygl zingen!
Gefinst mikh dortn nit, mayn shats;
A shklaf bin ikh, vu keytn klingen,
Dortn iz mayn rue plats.
Nit zukh mikh, vu fontanen shpritsn!
Gefinst mikh dortn nit, mayn shats;
Vu trern rinen, tseyner kritsn,
Dortn iz mayn rue plats.
Un libstu mikh mit varer libe,
To kum tsu mir, mayn guter shats;
Un hayter oyf mayn harts dos tribe,
Un makh mir zis mayn rue plats.
ניט זוך מיך, װוּ די מירטן גרינען!
געפֿינסט מיך דאָרטן ניט, מײַן שאַץ;
װוּ לעבנס װעלקן בײַ מאַשינען,
דאָרטן איז מײַן רוע–פּלטץ.
ניט זוך מיך װוּ די פֿײגל זינגען!
געפֿינסט מיך דאָרטן ניט, מײַן שאץ;
אַ שקלאַף בין איך,װוּ קײטן קלינגען,
דאָרטן איז מײַן רוע–פּלאַץ.
ניט זוך מיך, װוּ פֿאָנטאַנען שפּריצן!
געפֿינסט מיך דאָרטן ניט, מײַן שאץ;
װוּ טרערן רינען, צײנער קריצן,
דאָרטן איז מײַן רוע–פּלאַץ.
און ליבסטו מיך מיט װאַרער ליבע,
טאַ קום צו מיר, מײַן גוטער שאץ;
און הײַטער אױף מײַן האַרץ דאָס טריבע,
און מאַך מיר זיס מײַן רוע-פּלאַץ.
Song Title: Mayn Rue-Plats
First published in 1972, Mir Trogn A Gezang: Favorite Yiddish Songs was reprinted six more times (in 1977, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000) due to popular demand. The songs in this anthology represent a sampling of beloved folk and well-known Yiddish songs, many of which are scattered in various song collections; some appear in very rare and inaccessible collections; and some were never before published. Folk songs comprise about a third of this volume and were selected mainly on the basis of popularity and sometimes for their historic significance. Needless to say, they are only representative of the vast, rich treasure of Yiddish folk material. The selection was made not only on the basis of personal preference, but in the knowledge they are favorites of many who sing these songs. Most of the songs represent the repertoire that was sung at Yiddish summer camps, May 1st demonstrations and at social gatherings. Many songs were introduced to American Jewry by Jewish immigrants who came to the United States after World War II, for whom these songs had been favorites in Poland and other East European communities destroyed by the Nazis.